Our History

In 1992 Dale Eastman, a breast cancer survivor, along with three other survivors gathered around her dining room table to share ideas for making a difference in the lives of others diagnosed with breast cancer. During their respective breast cancer journeys they had discovered that treatment options available in the 1990s had not changed since the 1970s and that many women, after being diagnosed, had only two or three days to make major decisions regarding surgery and treatment. They deemed this totally unacceptable, and thus was born Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) in 1993. Dale and the other ABCF founders made the identification of the cause, prevention and cure of breast cancer, as well as ensuring quality care for all women, their personal quest and ABCF’s. That quest continues.
Our Board
Our Board is comprised of community and national leaders with expertise in a wide range of areas, including advocacy, education, finance, training, medical, and business management.
The Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation Board meets monthly (virtually and /or in person).
Taking care of the strategic and financial health of the organization on an ongoing basis.

Dale Eastman, Founder
Houston, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
In 1992 Dale Eastman, a breast cancer survivor, along with three other survivors gathered around her dining room table to share ideas for making a difference in the lives of others diagnosed with breast cancer. During their respective breast cancer journeys they had discovered that treatment options available in the 1990s had not changed since the 1970s and that many women, after being diagnosed, had only two or three days to make major decisions regarding surgery and treatment. They deemed this totally unacceptable, and thus was born Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) in 1993. Dale and the other ABCF founders made the identification of the cause, prevention and cure of breast cancer, as well as ensuring quality care for all women, their personal quest and ABCF’s. That quest continues.

Jerry Worden, President
Mauriceville, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
ABCF gives me the opportunity to make meaningful changes in breast cancer by being involved in breast cancer research, changing legislation to help those going through breast cancer, and reaching out to help the uninsured and underinsured with information and funding screening.

Mary Keller, Vice President
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story

Rose Mary Grabow, Treasurer
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Advocate
My Story
I worked at San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (16 yrs) and University Health System (10 yrs) before retiring in 2017, in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS), and have been a volunteer with Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF). Giving me the privilege to assist & navigate women in our community through our complicated medical system. ABCF has allowed me to not only educate & reach out to women in our community but, also educate & reach out to state & national legislators to make changes in programs related to breast cancer.

Minnie Morales, Board Member
Castroville, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
I am honored to serve on the board of directors of the foundation that has been there for me for over a decade. Through the knowledge and drive of the women in this foundation, I have been fortunate enough to be involved in getting bills passed and providing breast cancer screening and support to many women affected by breast cancer just like me.

Sandi Stanford, Board Member
Kansas City, Kansas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
After being diagnosed, I began volunteering at ABCF in 1996. One of my friends was the President of ABCF at the time, and she got me interested in science, being around people whom I might be able to help. I knew I wanted to do more, and in 1999 I became a board member and corresponding secretary. I later became President for 4 years then happy to turn it over to Beth Emery. I have met some wonderful patient advocates from all over the world who I would not know without ABCF. It is an honor and privilege to be a board member.

Dr. Jennifer D.M. Cook, Board Member
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
Committed to supporting breast cancer research/treatment and serving as a supportive resource to the community affected by breast cancer.

Laura Bowers, Board Member, (In Memoriam)
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story
When I joined the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) Board, I was very new to breast cancer advocacy. ABCF has been instrumental in introducing me to the various aspects of patient advocacy, from community events to research and legislative advocacy. The organization has done some incredibly important work since its founding in 1993, and I'm excited to be able to contribute to future efforts toward its mission.

Lauri Jacobson, Board Member
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Survivor
My Story

Jonathan Colemere, Executive Director
San Antonio, Texas
Breast Cancer Advocate
My Story
Jonathan Colemere is a lifelong San Antonian and a graduate of Antonian College Preparatory. Jonathan attended St. Mary's University and the University of Texas San Antonio. Jonathan is the Executive Director for the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation and previously served as president of the ABCF board of directors. Jonathan also serves as a National Breast Cancer Coalition Texas Team Leader and is a graduate of NBCC's Project Lead Institute. Jonathan has attended several NBCC Advocacy Leadership Summits and actively works with local, state and federal lawmakers to promote breast cancer awareness and public policy reform. In addition to his breast cancer advocacy work Jonathan owns and operates a technology services & consulting business, founded in 1999. Jonathan is an avid runner, yogi and technology enthusiast.
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.
Our Mission
To end breast cancer by assisting patients, informing health professionals and policymakers, and expanding knowledge through education and community outreach.

Our Vision
A world free of breast cancer.
Strategies to Advance Our Mission and Achieve Our Vision
ABCF advances its mission and strives to achieve its vision in the following ways:
By providing information and lending support to women and men diagnosed with breast cancer and to their families and friends.
By raising public awareness about breast cancer through education of the community and breast cancer advocates.
By expanding the network of individuals and advocates committed to facilitating advances in early detection, treatment and prevention of disease recurrence and ultimately to finding a means of preventing breast cancer altogether.
By advocating at state and federal levels for legislation to support our mission and vision.
By promoting access to quality, affordable health care.